Find out more!

We are back open at our Lynnwood location and are available again for in-person donation drop-offs and trap rentals.

To make an appointment in Lynnwood, click here.


The new mailing address for our Lynnwood clinic is:

Compassionate Solutions to Feline Homelessness

Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project provides affordable spays, neuters, and select services to both feral and companion cats

150,866 = Cats altered since our inception in 1997

Nine lives, not nine litters.

Are you feeding stray cats?

Ideas on how you can improve the lives and health of free-roaming felines including spay/neuter, rabies vaccinations, food and shelter.

Our Spay/Neuter Clinic.

Free, safe, and humane spay/neuter services for free-roaming cats, and low cost spay/neuter services for tame cats.

Be a part of the Compassionate Solution.

We could not provide our excellent care and service without volunteers and supporters. Become part of the Compassionate Solution to end feline homelessness.

Start a spay/ neuter clinic in your area.

Our Clinic Model and Our Business Model offer mentoring for individuals and organizations who want to perform efficient, high-quality, cost-effective and humane spay/neuter for all cats.

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Support Spay/Neuter While Getting a Good Deal!

Did you know Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project is enrolled in the Community Rewards program with Fred Meyer? This means that you can support us by linking your Rewards Card to the clinic.

Go to the Community Rewards page with Fred Meyer to link us to your card - our charity identification number is 93551.   

Thank you to the WA Federation for their support of our Spay-Neuter clinic!

Purchase your own SPAY-NEUTER-ADOPT license plate HERE.



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